This time the traditional festival Animate, a must for lovers of comic the cosplay the manga and anime , moved to the cot Flag, the city of Rosario , on 19, 20 and 21 June.
are welcome to friend Kiro Fernando Rafael Campos photos that illustrate this paper.
There in the spacious facilities Wood Patio , the public Rosario could see the shows in tribute to Batman , conducted last year, when the met Overcast and 70 years jumping through the roof. streaky with very good picture s made for the occasion by excellent artists , which could be no hesitation in committing, at the time, as a contribution to the sample, that's where the aged Lord of the Night occurs around San Telmo and our handsome summons him amicably.
Orchid tells Batman :
Seventy years ... Who would say,
you're already done a jovato!
Forgive me if I beat you
fulería in my jargon,
that, I than you, I came
Gotham Now
Venite, Batman, that here,
between tangos and milongas,
mistonga Vinaches and mines ...