Monday, December 27, 2010

What Is Good Muscle Percentage


On a hot December as this one, back in 1970, four young students from the course they had the end of the great Alberto Breccia in IDA , undertook the adventure of rented an office to work and fight together for professional development as a comic . Two of them left soon after, but were Frank Silvestre Szilagyi and Gaspar Gonzalez, who pulled no less than drawing a cartoon (Summer Fever ) for Patoruzito magazine. Then the story continued ... And is still!.

Early Stages: Frank, Hernán, Gaspar ... and the essential mate
Gaspary Frank in 2010, examining the original of that first story, "Summer Fever"
The blog José Massaroli, Comics development more widely the history of that feat unique in the annals of national bohemian in a more marked by economic greed and love of art (with honorable exceptions, of course ) and covering more than 20 long years of creativity, dreams and, (why not recognize it?) of mishiadura .

orchid in a sketch of Gaspar
Here I would stress that everything was published in the journal Orchid Faces and Masks, I drew there in that old Street Studio Pasteur. Although it was conceived before, I think in my house Villa Ramallo or in the first cartoon appeared in the magazine had already drawing on a board Gemini, shared in those times with Gaspar, Ramon Gil and Alberto Caliva .

Pancho, Gil, Massaroli, Mulk, Merel and Gaspar
As a tribute to the studio where we spent many moments Felios, see the light today for the first time a comic Faces and Masks rejected for not responding to the political content that the time (end of military dictatorship) claimed and that the publisher demanded. It is a foray our hero in the very Gemini Studio where to find us to members and regular visitors on a typical day (circa 1982 ). I drew with markers, experimenting with color freely and unconsciousness.

Here it is seen to Antonio , the picturesque goalkeeper Blue Gallery, where he was Office (so called confianzudamente the study) , Stella Maris Fusé, Gaspar, Massaroli (in the act of drawing the same cartoon) , Caliva, Jorge Gemelli, Pancho Camet, Sergio Gil and Mulk

Why, then, this tribute to all who made the Gemini Study a place and a memorable and unique space, and despite the elapsed time continues to unite us with ties friendship truly unbreakable, stainless ... and Macanudos!

The "Gemini" Caliva, Massaroli, Szilagyi and Gaspar, releasing in 2010 with friends Natalio Zirulnik, Alejandro Tempesta and Raul Barbero

And a hopeful toast the end of the year he came back or (never late, che ...) of Orchid ... and Gemini too!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Spam Forum Vladmodels

2010 was a year for the glorious excellent game industry, so will the best year in the top five of 2010.
Number 5: Bayonetta
sexy witch wins fifth in the ranking of the best of the year, well done story, very dynamic combat and frantic, button combinations nescesarios extremely complicated, given good bayonnetta hours of fun, sexy and violent.

Number 4: Black Ops Call Of Duty

Black Ops Call of Duty started out as a risky bet for the continuation of the saga's most successful present and past generation of consoles. This is undoubtedly the best COD in the series, showing a long and varied history rarely to be a fps, undoubtedly one of the best bets for Treyarch.

Number 3: Red Dead Redemption

Rockstar games, makers of the GTA series arch-recognized, surprise us again with an open world, but not one anyone open world of the Old West, giant extension where you can even go to Mexico and participate in an armed revolution. Very good graphics and an excellent history of long duration, fully recommended.

Number 2: Reach Halo

Bungie The last goodbye to the Halo series, and as they say, whether to finish, runs big, Reach Halo Halo is the best from the first, for over nine years. Reach Halo presents the titanic battle between humanity and the covenant on the planet Reach, the second most important planet of mankind. a story that strikes to the depths of thought, drama, action, a work of art worthy of bungie.
No. 1 and winner of the 2010 game: Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect was a great revolution in regard to Western RPG, action, story filled with important decisions that mark the end of the game. Mass effect 2 continuous revolutions, one could continue the story that we in Mass Effect, desociones tracendian taken the first game, marking the history of Mass Effect 2, to be good or rebellious, different types of characters, a real opera Space, the perfect epic moments in which you form a lump in the throat and others that gives you chills, sadness, psychological profiles well marked but also complex social realism and facial capture, if not the best , best, more than 24 hours in the main story, and many but with the extra downloadable content, Mass Effect 2 is arguably the best game of 2010 and the best game ever. if they will take the desciciones jugarasegurense correct for Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 as tantra a big impact on Mass Effect 3


Sunday, December 12, 2010 Hair Salon

VGA to VGA Red: Forza Motorsport Xbox 360 exclusive will be released in 2011, probably with support Kinect as like last E3
al dente in sore thumb! In the VGA

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Best Anime To Masterbat To

Study Day In Tango, a big hug to all the brothers tango in the world!

And what better way to celebrate listening Borges poem in the voice of its author?:

Where are they?
elegy question of who are no longer, as if
a region that yesterday could be
Today, still, and still.

Where are they? (repeat) the Malevaje
he founded in dusty lanes
of stocks lost ground or in the sect
knife and courage?

Where are those who passed, leaving the epic
one episode, a fable
time, and without hatred,
profit or passion of love was knifed?

The look in his legend, in the second season
ember, by way of a vague pink
save some of that mob of
courageous Los Corrales and Balvanera .

What dark alleys or what
wilderness of this world will live the hard
shadow of that which was a dark shadow,
Muraña , that Palermo knife?

And that IberRed fatal (whom the saints have mercy
) than in a road bridge,
killed his brother, Nato, which was
more deaths than he, and thus also the many?

daggers mythology slowly vanishes into oblivion
An epic song has been lost between deaf
police news.

Another grilled hot pink
other ash that keeps intact, there are the proud

knife and weight of the knife silent. Although

hostile or that other dagger dagger
time, lost in the mud,
today, beyond time and
unfortunate death, these dead live in the tango.

in music are, in the string of stubborn guitar
hatching in the milonga fortunate
the party and the innocence of anger.

Tour in the yellow wheel gap
of horses and lions, and I hear the echo of those tangos
Arolas and Greco
I have seen her dancing on the sidewalk,

instantly emerge today isolated
no before or after, against oblivion,
and has the flavor of what was lost, how lost
and recovered.

chords in there are old things
another interview patio and arbor.
(Behind the walls suspicious South
keeps a knife and a guitar.)

This burst, the tango, the mischief, the busy years
made of dust and time, the hard man
less than the light melody, which is only

time. Tango creates a murky past
somehow unreal is true, the memory
have died fighting in a corner of the suburb.

From: The other, the same


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Riddell Xr Chrome Tek Reviews

debut Cativa tango

things come in life. And especially for those who, as longtime friend Manuel Cativa are always willing to explore new ways and undertaking adventures restarted.

If something was missing, it was to sing tangos . The time came and made it safely and soul tango, accompanied by guitar teacher, Alfredo Sadi in Seventh Art and , Flores on Sunday 21 November.

There were, eager to explore this new facet of someone whom I have known since the time of IDA and I saw Polonio making with Pepe Iglesias on television in black and white without suspecting that one day would be my friend ..

was an opportunity to deliver a copy of "Orchid Maiden, a Beautiful 2000" . The thing has its meaning, because the friend knew Cativa inspire one of the characters of saga, one that appeared as a photographer who was disguised to challenge handsome Orchid or
was a very happy and I can only say: "Come on, Manuel , the Tango is yours! "