Alexei Martínez Rojas
Media Information Commissioner
Camajuaní, April 5, 2011 - On March 25 the commissioners of Housing and Human Rights, Orlando Triana Diego González and Manuel Abreu Zabala , respectively, made a formal surrender General Demand for Housing, the People's Power, the City of Camajuaní, representing severe social cases, people who have not seen for years the solution to serious problems housing.
"Although we know that the housing situation is dramatic, the cumulative government neglect for decades, we have an obligation to sue officials responsible for responding to the needs of the people, on behalf of our citizens, to lay the groundwork for new leadership in Cuba sicial "He said Antonio Suarez Fonticiella , feels the City Camajuaní Opposition.
following the introduction of a claim:
General Housing Demand Municipality
CamajuaníCamajuaní, March 25 2011
A: Gabriel Romero Alonso
President of People's Power Municipal
Calle Maceo # 1 e / Independencia y Martí
Partner Gabriel: As president of People's Power Municipal Camajuaní and responsible central government of the country is responsibility to establish a policy for the housing program, which steadily satisfies the demand for housing of the population.
One of the promises of the revolution was to ensure fair housing for every Cuban family and eliminate forced evictions, both promises after 52 years remain a drag on failed policy of this government. However we went to UD to demand a policy to resolve once and for all this situation, otherwise provide the possibility that a new generation of community leaders in charge of seeking a solution to the problems that you, after more than half century of government have been unable to resolve.
Note: To read the complete application visit the blog: