Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Histones Are Tightly Packed Into

Tools: Power Supply (II) 3

As I said earlier power supply is essential in an electronics laboratory (and robotics), ideally have a source controlled variable symmetry and PC ... However this is expensive (> 500 €) and over time can interest a high power good voltage regulation.

For this (and to get some fast running) I have become a source of laboratory from a source which was AT home (from an old PC).

benefits that gives me more than interesting to start:

  • +5 V (Red)

  • -5V (Green)

  • +12 V (Yellow)

  • -12V (Blue)

  • GND (Black): Masa, both are connected to each other and the earth ground ( mass non-floating).

  • EARTH (Green-Yellow): Connection to earth ground

I've added a LED and have made a switch on the box itself short supply, so I can better controlled if a short circuit and turn off the power if necessary.

One thing to note is that the ground (GND) is not floating, ie is connected to earth física (EARTH) por lo para algunos experimentos no podremos usar esta fuente, sin embargo siempre se puede hacer una "chapucilla" eliminando la tierra (EARTH) del enchufe mediante un cable de 2 hilos.

A parte de esto, las Masas de los circuitos (+5V) - GND - (-5V) y (+12V) - GND - (-12V) estan conectadas entre ellas por lo que no podremos hacer circuitos independiente.

Además el circuito de 12V no es regulado por lo que no dará exactamente 12V a la salida y habrá que medirla con cada carga que se le ponga.

En un futuro espero mejorar la instrumentación del laboratorio haciendo una fuente regulada, simétrica y variable controlada por PC...


Shahzaman Ranganok


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