Friday, February 11, 2011

Six Most Common Winning Lottery Numbers

A laboratory in the pocket

One of the things still continue to surprise me is what we have made progress in the miniaturization of computer systems. Today most of us carry a powerful computer in your pocket mobile. The low-end phones and half of today have more memory and processing power than my first PC (a 286 with 1Mb of RAM and 40 MB of hard disk), the high end are superior in performance to the computers of a few years ago.

Moreover, the so-called "smart phones (smartphones ) have a multitude of sensors (megapixel camera, LEDs, accelerometers, gyroscope, compass, etc.) That can turn a simple phone in a small laboratory in a pen.

Individuals and groups are creating applications for mobile and take advantage of these features. Some examples are: spectrometers (with the original story in English ) urinalysis, ultrasound , overall analysis (pulse, respiration and blood pressure) , and even satellites . Overall

not miss this conference TED: Laboratory size of a postage stamp . Ultimately

for little more than 500 € (really cheap compared to the fully professional teams) can have a small lab at home. S2

Ranganok Shahzaman


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